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Acupressure Facial Therapy. LogoAcupressureFacial

Acupressure Facial Therapy & Facial Reflexology

Facial Reflexology uses the same principles & offers the same benefits as foot reflexology: reflexes on the face are gently stimulated to promote balance within the body, but it also enhances the natural radiance of your skin.

Facial Reflexology is based on the principle that different areas of your body are mapped in miniature on your face.  Facial Reflexology therefore doesn't just benefit your skin.  By working specific areas and points, your whole body will benefit from the treatment. 

Facial Acupressure incorporates working with the Chinese Acupressure facial map and points. It is a deeply realxing treatment applied to the neck, head and face. It allows to release tension and is a great way to support emotional and stress relief.  You will have your shoulders and neck released, followed by the scalp and facial work. The treatment involves preparing the skin and having an extremely relaxing experience. You will be able to deeply relax and forget your stresses and worries.

Facial Reflexology is a great alternative for those who do not like having their feet touched, but would like to gain the same benefits. 

It is a very safe treatment and you will feel and look revitalised.



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