The meaning of Reiki is “Universal Life Energy”. It is a very gentle and non-invasive treatment suitable for everyone. Reiki restores balance, helps alleviate the symptoms of any stress-related conditions and releases tension.
Energy flows through the body via a network of meridians and chakras. When these become blocked, it disrupts the energy flow and reduce the body's ability to function efficiently. Reiki helps by rebalancing this subtle energy system. Reiki promotes a sense of deep relaxation and wellbeing.
What happens during a Reiki treatment?
You will remain fully dressed and lie face up on the comfortable massage couch whilst I will place my hands gently (or held above instead of touching) in a series of positions over various part of your body. The whole session is one hour long, with each position being held for three to ten minutes depending on your needs. There is no massage or manipulation during a Reiki session.
Reaction varies and the experience of Reiki can be very subtle, but the recipients often report a deep sense of comfort and relaxation after a treatment.